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About systems entrepreneurs

"A central gear, the catalytic force that creates momentum among all the other actors."

Skoll Foundation: The Catalyzing Power of Systems Entrepreneurship.

"There's a growing awareness that we need systems entrepreneurs who recognize that large-scale problems require close collaborations across sectors-including governments, nonprofits, and businesses."

Stanford Social Innovation Review: What Exactly Do We Mean by Systems?

"But what exactly is a systems entrepreneur? According to Doug Balfour, CEO of the philanthropy advisory firm Geneva Global, the systems entrepreneur is 'a central gear ' the catalytic force that creates momentum among all the other actors' working on a particular social issue. 'a neutral facilitator, a diplomat, and an honest broker who creates a 'climate of shared understanding and results.' "

System entrepreneur
"The systems entrepreneur as a central gear."
Image and story credit to Stanford Social Innovation Review.